Combi Ovens

The ADVANCE generation has one of the largest ranges of ovens on the market in terms of size and features. Just select the right model for each professional need. Available for use with gas or electricity in all sizes and with all options. The series comes in three ranges: Concept, Advance and Advance Plus.

Advance Ovens Concept

Concept Range

Power and robustness. The best quality-price ratio among ovens with steam generator. Concept ovens are the perfect solution for those professionals who require an affordable oven with advanced features, maintaining perfect results in terms of cooking quality, efficiency and safety.
advance vertical cooking

Advance Range

Fagor's re-thermalisation ovens offer the possibility of regenerating products on plates, trays or in containers, with the certainty of obtaining optimum results in terms of fragrance, flavour, appearance, desirability and an absolute guarantee for the consumer.


VIDEO RECIPES Learn how to steam, roast, fry, broil and grill.


Advance Plus Range

One of the best ovens in the market.

The ADVANCE PLUS ovens are directed at professionals who do not wish to forego any of the functions. Therefore it has the highest level of features in the market, thus obtaining the perfect balance between cooking quality, simplicity, efficiency and safety.


VIDEO RECIPES Learn how to steam, roast, fry, broil and grill.

Proud suppliers of the world leading brand
